The Danville Community Band Needs Your Help

We need new, portable timpani drums to keep our current rehearsal space

The Challenge

We’re grateful for our long relationship with the Community Presbyterian Church in Danville, where we’ve been rehearsing since 2002. Due to recent remodels at the church, our storage space has been dramatically reduced.

We’re grateful for our long relationship with the Community Presbyterian Church in Danville, where we’ve been rehearsing since 2002. Due to recent remodels at the church, our storage space has been dramatically reduced.

Our storage space is shrinking

We need a sustainable way to rehearse with timpani but they require storage space that will no longer available to the Band

Too much extra wear and tear

Transporting the timpani back and forth every week is causing undo wear and tear on these valuable instruments

Overtime for setup

Transporting the timpani every week from their temporary storage location adds too many hours of rehearsal time for key band members

Too big for average spaces

Our performace timpani don’t fit through standard doors which makes storing them a challenge

Funding Goals

Build customized storage units
$500 (with donated labor)

Portable timpani

Temp-controlled storage for performance timpani

The Solution

The Band needs a new set of portable timpani that will enable us to stay in our rehearsal space. We are working with CPC on a new solution to store all of our percussion instruments and equipment on site. To do this we must be able to reduce our footprint by purchasing smaller timpani.


Shown above are Yamaha 3300 Series Portable Aluminum Timpani.

They're smaller in size and will fit through standard door frames

They have foldable legs and pedals that make the storage footprint much smaller

They're significantly lighter, so moving for rehearsal and storage is easier

The Danville Community Band, its members, conductors and Board are grateful for the help and continued support from the leadership of Community Presbyterian Church.

Here's how you can help.

We’re reaching out to our loyal audience members and to the wider community for the support we need to reach our goal. Please consider making a donation via PayPal today.

Thank you!

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